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Each ratio value is given a score ranging from -2 and 2 depending on its position relative to the quartiles -2 below the first quartile. According to these financial ratios Tesla Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. Teslas return on assets ended 2016 at a -34. In addition some financial ratios derived from these reports are featured. 20 rows PB Ratio. Tesla IncFinancial ratios are relationships based on a companys financial information. This table contains critical financial ratios such as Price-to-Earnings PE Ratio Earnings-Per-Share EPS Return-On-Investment ROI and others based on Tesla Incs latest financial reports. While improving Teslas quick ratio was still below 10 in 2019. Is significantly higher than the average of its sector Automobiles. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Tesla Inc.
Quote Stock Analysis News Price vs Fair Value Sustainability Trailing Returns Financials Valuation Operating.
The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Tesla Inc. Tesla IncFinancial ratios are relationships based on a companys financial information. Book value per share. This table contains critical financial ratios such as Price-to-Earnings PE Ratio Earnings-Per-Share EPS Return-On-Investment ROI and others based on Tesla Incs latest. 0 the ratio value deviates from the median by no more than 5 of the difference between the median and the quartile closest to the ratio. Tesla Incs gross profit margin ratio deteriorated from 2018 to 2019 but then improved from 2019 to 2020 exceeding 2018 level.
According to these financial ratios Tesla Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. A profitability ratio calculated as operating income divided by revenue. Teslas return on assets ended 2016 at a -34. Is significantly higher than the average of its sector Automobiles. Market price per share. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Tesla Inc. Quote Stock Analysis News Price vs Fair Value Sustainability Trailing Returns Financials Valuation Operating. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Tesla Inc. According to these financial ratios Tesla Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. PE Ratio TTM 35808.
According to these financial ratios Tesla Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. Price to Cash Flow Ratio 12860. Each ratio value is given a score ranging from -2 and 2 depending on its position relative to the quartiles -2 below the first quartile. Tesla Financial Ratios for Analysis 2008-2021 TSLA. According to these financial ratios Tesla Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. Price to Sales Ratio 2423. 2 above the third quartile. Teslas return on assets ended 2016 at a -34. Tesla Inc TSLA. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average.
The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Tesla Inc. While improving Teslas quick ratio was still below 10 in 2019. They can serve as useful tools to evaluate Tesla investment potential. Number of common shares outstanding. Is significantly higher than its historical 5-year average. Tesla Incs gross profit margin ratio deteriorated from 2018 to 2019 but then improved from 2019 to 2020 exceeding 2018 level. This indicates that the firm is better at utilizing assets used to generate revenues. According to these financial ratios Tesla Incs valuation is way above the market valuation of its sector. Price to Book Ratio 3048. Tesla Inc TSLA.
20 rows PB Ratio. Enterprise Value to EBITDA 17560. Number of common shares outstanding. Price to Book Ratio 3048. This table contains critical financial ratios such as Price-to-Earnings PE Ratio Earnings-Per-Share EPS Return-On-Investment ROI and others based on Tesla Incs latest financial reports. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Tesla Inc. This indicates that the firm is better at utilizing assets used to generate revenues. Price to Sales Ratio 2423. Current ratio can be. 1 between the second and the third quartile.
-1 between the first and the second quartile. Is significantly higher than the average of its sector Automobiles. In addition some financial ratios derived from these reports are featured. Number of common shares outstanding. GameStop Corporation Common Stock. The EVEBITDA NTM ratio of Tesla Inc. While improving Teslas quick ratio was still below 10 in 2019. This table contains critical financial ratios such as Price-to-Earnings PE Ratio Earnings-Per-Share EPS Return-On-Investment ROI and others based on Tesla Incs latest. Price to Cash Flow Ratio 12860. PE Ratio including extraordinary items 35766.